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While graduation at Foxcroft marks the close of the school year, it also signals the beginning of the summer show season. 在长途跋涉去了几个地方参加春季演出之后, 在6月的三场比赛中,沿着这条路走20分钟总是一个受欢迎的变化. 格拉夫顿农场和塞勒姆农场场地位于厄普维尔50号公路的两侧,是这些六月冒险的令人惊叹和马匹友好的环境.

福克斯克罗夫特的教练们利用了周日未评级的Upperville Jump 4 Fun表演, June 2, 巩固新的马匹和骑手的伙伴关系,并准备一些双人为两个星期的表现在同一场地. 六名骑手和九匹马参加了这次表演,并充分利用了他们在赛场上的时间. 跳马骑手们带回家14个清晰的圆形蓝色和猎人获得了第5名和第8名在巨大的班级. As always, we appreciate Foxcroft’s staff member, Casey Vidalon, 在跳马圈和猎人圈中引导马匹,为学生们的精彩旅行做好准备. Rider and horse details are listed below.

After a productive day at the unrated show on Sunday, 一群福克斯克罗夫特骑手兴奋地参加了历史悠久的厄普维尔小马和马展的评级周. From June 3-9, 福克斯克罗夫特派出六匹马参加跳马圈比赛,其中有三名学生骑手和一名外部专业骑手. 特别感谢Caroline Adams展示了Michelle L. ’27, 在他的第一堂美国课上,他是一个明星,我们很高兴看到米歇尔今年秋天和他建立合作关系. Caroline also helped do some training classes to set up the 1.0m jumpers for their riders throughout the week. Between her pro rides and the student riders, 这些马在预习课上总共获得了9个清晰的圆形蓝. With well-prepared horses and ready-to-go riders, 福克斯克罗夫特小组度过了非常成功的一周.0m to the 1.25m heights. Penelope M. 27号骑着她的两匹马,MTM Fashionista和DC,在第一场比赛中获得了四个强劲的成绩.0m Junior Jumpers and an 8th place finish in the 1.05m Junior Jumper Classic. Cierra C. 25岁和她的搭档杰尼罗莎·MK分别获得了第3名和第6名.20m Junior Jumper classes. 今年在厄普维尔最激动人心的亮点是观看Valeska F. 26岁的她笑得合不拢嘴,因为她在领先的胜利中疾驰而过,之后又跳得又快又清晰,在第1轮中获得了蓝色.15 Junior Jumper Classic. 这是特别激动人心的,因为这是Valeska第一次参加这个高度的比赛,也是她第一次骑法拉利参加比赛. 

Following a great week at Upperville, 福克斯克罗夫特队兴奋地欢迎更多的骑手在同一场地参加劳顿福利马展的一周. 六名骑手和八匹马参加了这场比赛,从机会短/长马镫马术到USHJA 2 ' 3“猎人到1.25 jumpers. Madison B. 24岁的安娜利斯·C·琼斯(Anneliese C .)亲切地分担了她的马“月球漫步”(Moonwalk)的骑马职责. ’26 and they each piloted him to solid ribbons. Hayley B. ’25 riding Cooley Grand Finale started the week in the hunters, then decided to try her hand in the jumpers over the weekend. “Finnious,” on loan to Foxcroft from a local friend, 是一个多面手,很乐意适应从花箱到条纹轨道的场景变化,并向海莉展示跳绳圈的绳索. Penelope M. ’27 helped her sister and incoming freshman Isla M. 当艾拉骑着她的新母马时,我了解了与福克斯克罗夫特团队一起展示的节奏, Jetske VDP, to 3rd place in the .90m Jumpers. 我们期待着在新的一年里帮助这一新的伙伴关系发展.

While cheering for her sister, 佩内洛普骑上彩带的顶端,为旗帜增添了色彩.与她的两匹马,并最终获得第八名的丝带在1米少年跳马.05m Junior Jumper Classic with MTM Fashionista. 特别祝贺佩内洛普买了这匹特别的母马. 得知“花式”现在是麦康奈尔家族的永久成员,我们欣喜若狂! 在厄普维尔和她临时租来的法拉利马度过了美妙的一周后,瓦莱丝卡. 1926年和" Vroom Vroom "我们在谷仓里亲切地叫她她干净利落,在第1局获得了第二和第八名.10m Junior Jumper division this second week. Valeska also rode Send It, a new horse that she is developing, to ribbons in some other jumper divisions. 劳顿慈善基金会横幅上漂亮的丝带外,还有希拉·C赢得的漂亮的第10名玫瑰花环. ’25 and her mare, Generosa MK, in the 1.25 Jr/Am Jumper Classic.

阅读下面的内容来庆祝这两周在Upperville和Loudoun Benefit展示的完整结果.

Full Results

Upperville Jump 4 Fun 

  • 共有14条清晰的圆形蓝丝带由跳高骑手麦迪K. ’26, Valeska F. ’26, and Penelope M. ’27 in their classes.

  • Casey Vidalon (Foxcroft staff) & Handsome - 5th: 2’ Hunter

  • Sammie M. ’27 & Handsome - 8th: 2’3” Hunter

Upperville Colt & Horse Show

  • 参赛者Cierra C总共获得了9条清晰的圆形蓝丝带. ’25, Valeska F. ’26, Penelope M. ’27, Caroline Adams (pro rider) on Hrabia owned by Michelle L. ’27 in their 1.0m prep classes.

  • Valeska F. ’26 & Ferrari - 1.10/1.15m Jr Jumper: 7th, 7th, 1st in the Classic 1.10/1.15M JR JUMPER RESERVE CHAMPION

  • Penelope M. ’27 & MTM Fashionista - 1.0m Jr Jumper: 2nd, 5th, 8th in the 1.05m Classic 

  • Penelope M. ’27 & DC - 1.0m Jr Jumper: 6th, 7th 

  • Cierra C. ’25 & Generosa MK - 1.20/1.25m Jr/Am Jumper: 3rd, 6th

Loudoun Benefit

  • Casey Vidalon (Foxcroft staff) & Anneliese C. ’26 & Moonwalk - USHJA 2’3” Hunter: 5th, 8th

  • Madison B. ’24 & Moonwalk - Opp Short/Long Stirrup Eq - walk: 2nd

  • Valeska F. ’26 & Send It - .95m Jr/Am Jumper: 4th

  • Valeska F. ’26 & Ferrari - 1.10m Jumper: 8th; 1.10/1.15m Jr Jumper: 2nd, 8th

  • Penelope M. ’27 & MTM Fashionista - 1.0m Jr/Am Jumper: 8th, 6th in the Classic 

  • Isla M. ’28 & Jetske VDP - .90m Jumper: 3rd & 2 clear round blues

  • Cierra C. ’25 & Generosa MK - 1.20/1.25m Jr/Am Jumper: 10th in the Classic 

  • Caroline Adams (pro rider) & Wasabi - 1.15m Jumper: 2nd

a girl sits on her horse with a red ribbon

P-Sky M. ’27 and Fancy at Upperville in the 1.0m Jr Jprs.

a girl smiles for the camera with her horse
a girl jumps on her horse in a competition
a girl jumps on her horse in a competition
a girl smiles for the camera on her horse with a purple ribbon
a girl smiles for the camera on her horse
a girl smiles for the camera on her horse with a blue ribbon
a girl smiles for the camera on her horse with a yellow ribbon
a dog sleeps on a cozy pillow
a Foxcroft sign outside of a riding tent
a girl smiles for the camera on her horse with a brown ribbon